What do I miss most about Los Angeles…my great friends, of course.  

When I made the decision earlier this year to quit my job, move from a city I had lived in for the last 13 years and head to Dallas, I also decided to sell most of my belongings.  Don't worry, I’m not crazy, I held on to my beautiful Le Creusets, mixers, and knives, but I was determined to only bring with me what would fit in my little Toyota Yaris.  

It never ceases to amazing me how much stuff/crap I can accumulate over the years, and I never would have been able to sell/donate everything without the help of my friends.  Not only that, I got truly lucky when my best friends and fellow cooking instructor Tory mentioned that she had a few days off and would love to make the drive to Dallas with me.  

She is a better friend than I am.  I am terrible in the car and would never willingly volunteer for 1,443 mile road trip.  I am pretty sure that I would still be driving to Dallas if she hadn’t come with me.

Little did I know then, but we had the best time!  It was the first road trip I had done without my parents, and no offense Mom and Dad, but it was a lot more fun. (I’m going to pay for this later.)  We stopped at the Grand Canyon, ran out of gas in the desert (my fault), ate hatch chillies in New Mexico, got stuck on the highway behind a tractor trailer fire for three and half hours in 110 degree heat, and drove through one of the biggest storms of my life.  Welcome to Texas where it’s blue skies one minute and sheets of rain the next.  

Okay, so maybe this was more of a Chevy Chase Vacation type road trip, but I am so grateful that I got to have this adventure with my best friend on my path to opening The Cookery Dallas.  Hope you enjoy this quick video of our trip, and while we didn’t laugh about everything at the time, we sure do now.